Monday, August 22, 2011

StumbleUpon....who knew?

I know I talk a lot about Facebook, but I would like to switch gears for a little bit and talk about StumbleUpon, known informally to my friends as Stumble. I was first introduced to this site my senior year in college, by a friend that I thought was clueless about social media. She made me download the iPhone app at lunch and set up my preferences. After I went though this long process of telling the site what I did and didn't like, I was ready to "stumble." My friend didn't even tell me how to use the site until after I had it set up. When you hit the stumble button, either on your computer or your phone app, it stumbles across your interests and takes you to a site that it thinks you may like. I was amazed! I immediately fell in love and have been stumbling ever since.

I had to tell you that story to get to the main point of this week's blog. It seems as though StumbleUpon is getting more traffic than Facebook with only 12 million members (Facebook has 750 million members). In all the research I have done, I have only heard how Twitter is going to take over the market and be the new Facebook. According to these numbers that I found on in the graphic above, Twitter is nowhere near the numbers for Facebook and StumbleUpon. 

I think that Stumble is gaining popularity online because it truly is like flipping channels on a television. It is mindless and many of my friends would pick the internet over their TV any day of the week. With online TV sites like Hulu and Netflix, who really has a use for their TV anyway? It is in my opinion that Stumble is the social site of the future, and Facebook better watch it's back.

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