Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let's get legal...Facebook as a separate state

With 924 million registered users on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, we have a serious legal problem on our hands. With that many people on social media, you start having issues such as cyber bullying, pedophiles, rapists, terrorism, and stalking. Many people do not know how to go after these people because they are protected under the 1st amendment right. This gets tricky though, many of the offenders are in different states than their victims. Does the case get thrown to Federal Court or do they throw it back to the state level and tell them to fight over jurisdiction? Having people fight about where a case is tried can take up a lot of time and money. This is why I think it would be wise to make the internet its own jurisdiction and have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other sites be like the states in the online nation.

I know it would be chaotic at first, but think of all the time that we could save. It would break the international boundaries and save people from wondering if one person in the case is in China and the other Russia, which laws to follow. A new set of people from all over the world could be elected to create new laws for this new jurisdiction, and they could be based off laws that already exist.

Although this would be time consuming, I feel like people would be better protected from each other in this way. I know this will probably never happen in my lifetime, but this idea could potentially create thousands of jobs as well as create a new niche for lawyers and judges. I think this would be a win-win!

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