Monday, August 29, 2011

I didn't want to join you anyway, Google+

This has been something that I have debated on writing about. I am kind of (really) upset that I cannot join Google+. The site looks really cool how you can organize everyone into different categories and upload quicker than Facebook. What I am not excited about (and kind of mad about) is that I was invited, but when I went to sign up they had exceeded capacity and it is in "limited trial" mode only. Seriously? This is my major, and I can't even get on the site to check it out. Don't get me wrong, I have gone through the demo and done my research about the marketing side of the site, but I like to get in there and learn by actually using the site.

I am so frustrated with the fact that I cannot join. I have gone through the motions and have gone through the site clicking every join button, but it will not let me in!! I am kind of put off with the site, and I am sure I am not the only one. I wonder how many people will actually come back to the site now that they have been turned away. I know that for me, Google+ has put a sour taste in my mouth. If they weren't ready to launch the site fully, they shouldn't have launched it at all.

I guess in a way, this is like when Facebook first launched to Harvard, and then moved on to more schools, and then finally went public. I think that if Google+ had a better way of launching (maybe regionally) I wouldn't be so upset. I will probably join the site, but it won't be out of excitement.

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