Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I've seen the power of social media!!

Before I tell you about how social media has impacted my life recently, I have to give you the back story. About a week ago I ordered from a local place I like to eat at in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I was SO EXCITED to hear that they delivered! I placed my order for my favorite meal, a chicken salad sandwich and a salad with their mango pineapple vinaigrette. I was especially excited about the salad because this was a dressing I had never tried before and it sounded amazing! When I ordered my food they said it would take 60+ minutes for it to arrive, and I was okay with this. When I had gotten my food, I began to unpack the bag after the delivery guy left (first mistake) and I realized that he had forgotten my dressing! Oh no! I quickly called the restaurant and told them what had happened and they said they would "send it right out." Well about and hour later and still dressing-less I called back. They then passed me through the phone system and then rudely assured me that it was on its way. I gave up hope at 10pm when they close. 

I told my friends what had happened, but how can you get your friends to not eat at one of the best restaurants in town? It didn't hit me until today in my Social Media Marketing class what I had to do. Facebook! I would write on their wall and see what they do, either way a lot more people are going to see what I say on Facebook than if I talk to them. This is what happened:

They answered my wall post the same day! I did take Jodi up on this offer. I emailed her and told her what happened and then, like she asked, I gave her my campus address. Quickly after I read this I clicked onto their wall to see if this was visible to the public and was disappointed it was not. They could have taken this opportunity to put a positive spin on the situation, but little do they know that I am a marketing major with a concentration in social media. If they do keep their promise of the gift card I promise to re-post on their wall about the positive experience I received with their customer service. This just shows that if companies do have pages on social media sites, they do need to check them multiple times everyday so that problems like these can be resolved. Good Job to Mariah's for being prompt!!

Even as I am finishing up this blog post I got another comment on my Facebook comment from Jodi:
and yes, I am the one that liked her post.

I will keep you all up to date on the situation. : )


  1. Great example!!! I know that Mariah's does a better than average job with their social media site, but you're right--it's such a win-win to make a service recovery public!

  2. Laura, I think this is the best blog ever- just because it's a real-life example! But I do understand.. One day my co-workder and I ordered Mariah's for delivery. I got my salad... started eating... and then- A FLY IN MY SALAD!!
    I was so upset... but I called and told them the situation and I got another salad about 30 minutes later!

  3. I just checked the mail and they followed up with the gift card they promised. I will follow up with my promise to post something positive on their wall in regards to their customer service.

  4. I think is such a great example of the power of social media. Also, you did this in a way that was not rude, you simply explained what happened with your delivery. It's obvious that they know the importance of Facebook in a college town. Do you think based on the response that they have someone who monitors their social media (maybe a manager?)

  5. I posted a comment the day after you wrote this but evidently I didn't type in the security word and it didn't post :(

    It was basically saying how I thought Mariah's did a great job responding to your complaint and how social media marketing can really help you or really hurt you. I've always wanted to try it on my bad experiences at places but didn't know if it would work. Of course mine weren't locally owned so it could make a difference. I'll have to let you know!

  6. Wow, what a great example. I think both you and Mariah's handled the situation very well. It is great to know that Mariah's keeps up with their Facebook and actually reads the comments that get posted on their wall. Did you ever receive the gift card?

  7. Glad to see this worked out! Mariah's is a great resturant, and i'm glad they confronted what happened. If anything like this happens to me like this I will try to take your advice and put it on facebook!
