Sunday, November 7, 2010

Its "Facebook Official" ...Breaking up on Facebook

Have you ever wondered when you were going to be dumped by your significant other? Well, thanks to David McCandless, a British journalist and graphic designer, you can better prepare yourself to be dumped. He has created a chart of when you are most likely to get kicked to the curb on Facebook.

The graph above is a visual representation of the most likely times of the year you will be left
I personally think this graph is hilarious, as well as fairly accurate. In my personal experience, I feel like a ton of people break up right after Valentine's Day because they don't want to spend it alone. This is good news for marketers! You have made us feel so bad about our lives that we feel obligated to find someone, anyone, and stay with them long enough to buy them something for this particular holiday. Good job! On the other hand, people break up right before Christmas. This could be due to the fact that prices are too high combined with the simple fact that this isn't exactly a holiday that revolves around love.

People love changing their relationship status on Facebook to reflect that they are taken or, to quote a fairly new term, "Facebook Official" which would make this chart pretty accurate. On the other hand, you also have those people who joke around and say that they are in a relationship with their roommate or best friend. What do you think? Do you think this is an accurate chart? Do you think that marketers could use this to their advantage? 


  1. This is so funny. I'm not going to lie that when I first got Facebook years ago, I was "in a relationship" with one of my best friends just as a joke...I have no clue why we thought it was cool. But, my boss at work ended up asking me why I was in a relationship with a girl. Embarassing!!! I of course had forgotten about it and immediatley took it down.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post, mainly because it was very funny and true at the same point! I have my relationship status up, but honestly when you do go in and out of a relationship it can be hard to take because everyone always has to comment back to it, whether they are fans or not. Sometimes it just needs to stay personal, sometimes you just don't want the world to know. I really don't know how marketers could use this information, and if it is really accurate. It could be, but there are also certain times during the year when couples break-up. The other part to consider is whether it is an actual break-up or one of those jokes with a friend.

  3. This is a great take on relationships and Facebook. So funny! I am not going to lie, I was actually excited to learn that my current boyfriend, had a Facebook so that I could tell the whole world we were dating. Oh, well. It's just another way to keep tabs on everyone we know. In terms of the chart, I think it is extremely accurate. Kind of crazy that most people break-up the first part of the year. I guess you can't spend New Year's or Valentine's Day alone! Great applicable to all of us.
