Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Social media experience?

I have been racking my brain for a topic to blog about this morning and I have decided to share with all of you something that I have come across recently; when looking for a job as a recent college graduate you are faced with a dilemma. You can't get a job without experience, but at the same time you cannot gain experience without a job. This is also true in the Social Media Marketing field, but I wonder what they consider experience considering it is such a new field.

Do they mean general marketing experience?:
       In that case, I have written several plans that I could provide them. 

Do they mean in working with social media?:
       I have a Twitter, Facebook, and a Linked In account. On top of that I blog about social media and this account is tied to Technorati. I have been actively involved in social media since middle school with the creation of MySpace.

Most of the jobs I have been looking at in the Social Media Marketing field require around 3-7 years experience. I believe that I am well versed in social media, I mean my entire generation has gotten on the social media bandwagon. If you are looking for experience, I have it in spades! I blog about it as well as use it in my day to day life, which you will understand if you have read any of my other blog posts.

Hopefully in the next several months when I am applying for jobs potential employers will see my dedication to social media through this blog and my other social media profiles.

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