Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Social media and the news

7:00- First alarm goes off and I hit the snooze
7:10- Hit the snooze for the second time and turn on the Today show
7:15- Still haven't seen the local weather, switch to The Weather Channel
7:20- Switch from The Weather Channel to CNN to get the headlines
7:25- Finally get out of bed to make coffee and get ready

I am a self proclaimed hater of mornings. I do not like the process of getting out of bed and starting my day, unless that particular day begins at 10am. With that being said, if I get a job where I have to be there at 8am I will make it work and probably drink a lot of coffee before I get there.

So I bet you are wondering what my love of coffee, my dislike of mornings, and my wake up schedule have to do with getting the news through a social media channel. Well, let me just say that was the old way I used to get up and get my news. The new way is something like this:

7:00- First alarm goes off and I hit the snooze
7:10- Hit the snooze for the second time and turn on the Today show
7:15- Get out of bed and log on to Twitter and make coffee
7:25- Start getting ready

I can get all of my news to start the day just by the people I follow on Twitter. I get the CNN headlines, the local weather, sports, and even whats going on in Bowling Green just by logging into one source. Instead of flipping the channels to see what is going on, I save time in the morning by going to one social media source. One real life example pulls it into perspective to me. The guy I am seeing has an iPhone and he came over and mentioned that the alarm on his phone still wasn't working. I had remembered seeing something on my top tweets where Steve Jobs had posted something about the alarm having a glitch. So I turned to my computer and got on Steve Job's Twitter account and showed my guest his most current tweet that said,"Until Apple issues an official fix for the iPhone alarm glitch, please do not open your iPhone's clock app. Doing so may void the warranty." When he learned this he posted it on his Facebook where it was lost among all of the other posts. Bottom line, Twitter is an awesome news source.

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