Saturday, June 11, 2011

Longest week ever!! ...I'm BACK!!!

This is a continuation of "Challenge accepted"

Day 1:
Just got my horoscope tweeted to my text messages! Fail!! I have unfollowed them and will pick them back up when I come back to Twitter. My Facebook is the only account that I have formally deactivated. Twitter said it was a permanent thing, so I will just stay off. I have also moved all social media apps on my phone to a separate page so I can't even see them. I think this will be okay.

Day 2:
I just read an email from LinkedIn. ARG!!! I totally forgot and opened it. This may get tricky because I get an insane amount of LinkedIn emails. My internet use today consisted of browsing the iTunes store, checking my email, and looking into getting a netflix account. I am super bored. People keep taunting me about not having a Facebook, and to make things worse my mom was reading me status updates from my cousins. LALALALA...I can't hear you!!

Day 3:
My friends are planning me a birthday party for Friday and I cannot get on Facebook to make an event. I really hope they are doing this for me, but I can't be sure. This is getting harder and harder!! To make things worse, I may be in a relationship and I have to go through the guessing game of "are we together, is it official" without the help of social media. This is getting sad! Then my mom wanted to show me more things on Facebook, and then was like "oh wait, you can't" and then just laughed.

Day 4:
Well, I have terrible communication skills. C'est la vie! It's really slow around here; I need something to take my mind off things, but I can't get on any of my favorite sites. I did get a netflix account, and love it, so I will be watching some movies. I really just want to get on Facebook...I want my reality back!!! I also updated my phone, bought some music because I cannot get on YouTube, and shopped online. Social media withdrawal is hard on my wallet.

Day 5:
Last night I was talking to my friend who challenged me to give up social media for a week and she just "had to" turn her Facebook back on. This is so wrong...2 more days after this one! Today I got a hold of my big sister in the sorority and she isn't going to come to my party because she didn't know about it. I cannot blame her for this because I didn't call her and I'm not on Facebook to make an event. This is an example of how our communication skills have been altered since social media. Tomorrow is my party...I am glad I will have some sort of distraction because I am on the edge of breaking down and getting on Facebook. This is the worst possible time for me to give social media up because people can't get a hold of me.

Day 6:
I want on creep on people so bad!! I also want to listen to music and watch funny YouTube videos!! I really want to cave in right now, but I have to stay strong. I don't really need to do any of this, but it has been a habit for so long. We all went out to birthday dinner and the girls wanted to see a picture of this guy that I keep talking about. This would be easy if I had access to Facebook so I told them that they could look him up. This is getting really difficut!!!

Day 7:
I am counting down the hours until I can get back on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pandora, and every other site I like to use!! Right now I have 4 hours to go on this dare. Last night I tried to cheat, but when I tried to login to my Facebook on my iPhone it wouldn't let me because it was deactivated.

Additional thoughts:
I feel like most status updates and tweets are jabs or hints for people that follow you or that are your friends. Why don't we just tell people directly how we feel? Life without know what everyone is doing is a blessing and a curse. Its a blessing because you have privacy, and you are no longer obsessing over other people. It's a curse because we are in a society that has become obsessed with other peoples thoughts, feelings, and day to day activity.Why have we become so obsessed with telling people where we are and what we are thinking. This entire week, when I had a profound thought or something that I could update people on, I was like "Damn, why do we all think that way?" People have gotten to the point that they rely on Facebook as a communication medium. The downside of this is that the internet is written in permanent marker, and problems can't be easily resolved this way. The upside is that we can stay in touch with people we have met over the years because everyone has a permanent address on the internet, regardless of housing situation.

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